Stichting Levende Meesters invites an artist from time to time to formulate and execute a project in Moniek Peeters’s house at Gravenstraat 7 Dordrecht. Ina van Zyl reacted to their request to react to the house with her project she called Anker. Inspired by a 17th century wall anchor which caught her eye in the attic of the building, she took the idea of an anchor as theme for her project. She attempted to show various meanings of the concept Anchor.
The exhibition consisted of an extensive collaborative embroidery project which served as multiple. She made paintings and drawings of portraits, hands and feet. The head to her serves as a mental anchor and feet and hands, her trademark, serves as literal anchors to the body to the earth we stand on. Stan Brakhage’s film Window Water Baby Moving (1959) was showed amongst a collection of ceramic vases which hides in one of the cupboards of the rooms that were available for the exhibition. In the corridor, documentation of the South African town Dordrecht, where coincidently her mother grew up, were showed .
A leporello was published accompanying the project. Email if you are interested in receiving the leporello. For more information about Stichting Levende Meesters visit